Hi Lou, Yes, as Jeff pointed out, if you're running it from a console, system("stty -a") should give you the rows/columns and a bunch of other usefull stuff. If, however, you're talking about screen resolution and you're running your script as a CGI and sending the results to a browser (which is what this list is all about ;-) Then you're going to have to do some fancy JavaScripting to capture the screen resolution, etc.
Basically, you create hidden form fields in a form on your page and then use javascript to populate them once the page gets rendered on the client's side. (Un)fortunately, the only way to get this info is when the client submits a form. for example, I might have a form on my login page that looks like this: <form name="LoginForm"> <input type="hidden" value="ScreenWidth"/> <input type="hidden" value="ScreenHeight"/> <input type="hidden" value="ColorDepth"/> username: <input type="text" name="username"/> <BR/> password: <input type="passwd" name="pass"/> <input type="button" onClick="doSubmit()"/> </form> then in the header I'd need a js function "onSubmit" like this: <script language='javascript'> function doSubmit(){ var elements = document.forms.LoginForm.elements; elements.ScreenWidth.value = window.screen.width; elements.ScreenHeight.value = window.screen.height; elements.ColorDepth.value = window.screen.colorDepth; //some other form validation.... //submit! document.forms.LoginForm.submit(); } </script> In my CGI, I can capture this using the standard CGI params methods... use GGI qw/:standard/; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "screenWidth: " . param("ScreenWidth"); print "<BR>screenHeight: " . param("ScreenHeight"); etc... NOTE: this is untested and yes, I just ripped it off of "mailblocks.com" If this makes no sense, try to learn a little more about hidden form variables and javascript first....then figure out how to get it into your CGI. good luck, -Peter -----Original Message----- From: Luinrandir Hernsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 11:08 AM how do I find the current screen size of someone running my perl program? many thanks Lou -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]