I have a simple perl script as follows which gets a users id number by
looking in a file.  It already knows the username and uses this to reference
to the id.
The file is in the format:


The code i'm using is:


my $hashfile = "/opt/netcool/webtop/config/cgi-bin/hl_of_user.txt";
my $username = 'mustoj';

open (USERFILE, $hashfile) || die "Couldn't open hash file: $!\n";

($key, $data) = split /,/, $_; # or whatever you have to split on
$userlookup{$key} = $data;

my $usernum = $userlookup{$username};

print "User Name = $username\nUserID = $usernum\n";
Now this works fine as a perl script, but when i put this in a perl cgi
script and try to output the values in html the user id is blank.
I get the output:
User Name = mustoj User ID =

Does anyone have any idea's on what could be causing this, or can anyone
think of a more efficient way of looking up the user id from this file??
Any help would be much appreciated, i've included the cgi script below.

the url is /cgi-bin/sis_home.cgi?un=mustoj, which is how i'm passing the
username in.

# script name: sis_home.cgi

use CGI qw(:standard);

my $q = new CGI;
my $username = $q->param("un");
open (FH,"<hl_of_users.txt");

($key, $data) = split /,/, $_; # or whatever you have to split on
$userlookup{$key} = $data;
my $usernum = $userlookup{$username};

#print the html
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print <<__HTML__;
Simple Program
User Name = $username UserID = $usernum
print <<__HTML__;

Jonathan Musto

BT Ignite Solutions
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