From: zentara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Wed, 12 Mar 2003 12:02:52 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Susan
> Aurand) wrote:
> >I am getting an error can't locate, I have tracked that down
> >to - I need Convert-BER-1.25.tar.gz.  I have downloaded the file. I
> >cannot find the documents on this download, where to unzip and load,
> >etc...  Does anybody know. Thanks - Susan
> You must be using windows.  A tar.gz file is like a zip file on
> windows. You can get "untar" programs that run on windows, 

WinZip understands .tar.gz and most other similar programs do as 

> but I don't
> think that will help you any to run it on a windows version of Perl. 
> You should see if you can get the Convert-BER package for the
> particular version of Perl for windows that you have.

You might have been right five years ago, but not now.
Most CPAN modules can be instaled under Windows just like anywhere 
else. The only problem is that the base install of Windows doesn't 
contain a C compiler, but 1) you don't need it for Perl-only modules
( is enough) and 
2) you may use the compiler that comes with cygwin or some others.

Convert::BER is pure Perl so if you are using ActivePerl, download 
the nmake, unpack the .tar.gz into a temporary dir and run
        perl Makefile.PL
        nmake test
        nmake install

and you should be fine.


===== [EMAIL PROTECTED] === =====
When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
        -- Terry Pratchett in Sourcery

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