I have with the help of one of the guys of this list got this script to take an image from one directory and then rename it with the time and date of the image and then store it onto a new directory.
I sotred the image in the cgi-bin, and then tried to run the file, i got errors, when i went to the errorlog i got an error saying:
Prematue end of script header: /home/httpd/cgi-bin.renamer.cgi
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings;
=head1 NAME
# renamer - renames files received by ftp, moving them to a new directory
nohup ./renamer image /home/httpd/htdocs /home/me/images jpg &
#The above instructs renamer to look for files called image.jpg in /home/httpd/htdocs.
#It checks once per minute for such a file to appear. If it sees a
#readable file called /home/httpd/htdocs.jpg it moves it to
#/home/httpd/htdocs/image.200302251530.jpg where the number is a
#time stamp with year (four digits), month, day of the month, hour (in
#24 mode), and minute.
#Read the bugs section closely.
=head1 BUGS
#The original and new directories must be on the same file system. #The program probably does not work on windows systems. #The daemon behavior is weak. #Not much testing has been done, so the script may have other problems.
my $usage = <<EOUSAGE; usage: $0 initial_name original_dir new_dir suffix example: $0 pic /home/httpd/htdocs /home/me/images jpg EOUSAGE
my $check_file = shift or die $usage; my $original_dir = shift or die $usage; my $new_dir = shift or die $usage; my $suffix = shift or die $usage;
exit if (fork());
while (1) { process($check_file) if (-r "$original_dir/$check_file.$suffix"); sleep 60; }
sub process { my $file = shift; my ($hour, $min, $mon, $day, $year) = (localtime)[1..5]; $year += 1900; $mon++; my $stamp = "$year$mon$day$hour$min";
"renaming $original_dir/$file.$suffix to $new_dir/$file.$stamp.$suffix\n";
rename "$original_dir/$file.$suffix", "$new_dir/$file.$stamp.$suffix"
or warn "couldn't rename file $file to $new_dir/$file.$stamp.$suffix\n";
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