On Sat, 1 Mar 2003 16:59:38 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ebaad Ahmed)

>Hello All,
>I have just installed SuSe on my computer, I can ftp to any ftpsite from
>this but cannot ftp into the machine. How can I make this possibe. Any
>help will be really appreciated.

The suse-linux-e mailling list is the best place to answer this.
You can go to http://suse.com and subscribe to the list, they
are a very helpful group.

It's not hard. You have 2 types of ftp, user and anonymous.

You need to 
1. install a ftp daemon, and the ftpdir rpm (which sets up the
    anonymous directories.

2. start the ftpd

3. Setup your firewall to accept connections for the ftp port.

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