Thanks for the input drieux!
All of the information that I have found has said that you can not change the form 
action using IE, which is why I was led to the server side method. I will try the 
javascript, to see how it works! 

Scott Lutz
Pacific Online Support
Phone: 604.638.6010
Fax: 604.638.6020
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-----Original Message-----
From: drieux [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: February 18, 2003 10:02 AM
To: Scott Lutz
Cc: cgi cgi-list
Subject: Re: help with HTTP::Request for POST

On Tuesday, Feb 18, 2003, at 08:43 US/Pacific, Scott Lutz wrote:

> What I am attempting to do, is do a server side "form action" redirect 
> based on a regex on a field from the form.
> [Mon Feb 17 17:04:05 2003] [error] [client] Premature 
> end of script headers: /var/cgi-bin/parse.cgi
> Any help with what might be missing would be great
> Here is the script:
> #!/usr/bin/perl -wT
> use strict;
> use HTTP::Request::Common;
> use LWP::UserAgent;
> use CGI;
> use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
> my $q = new CGI;
> my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
> if ($q->param("domain") =~ /\.ca$/) {
>       $ua->request(POST 'https://domains/perl/ca_reg.cgi', [
>               domain => $q->param("domain"),
>               affiliate_id => $q->param("affiliate_id"),
>               action => $q->param("lookup"),
>               ]);
> } else {
>       $ua->request(POST 'https://domains/perl/reg_system.cgi', [
>               domain => $q->param("domain"),
>               affiliate_id => $q->param("affiliate_id"),
>               action => $q->param("lookup"),
>               ]);
> }
> Please do not hesitate to contact me directly if you have any more 
> questions!

assuming that the above is your script there is the
minor problem that it is not sending anything back to
the browser.... which is the 'exit prematurely' argument

what you will want to do is send a redirect back to
the browser to query the other scripts...

the other alternative is to use a piece of javascripting
that will resolve this on the client side before sending
a request back to the server.

you can think of this in terms of say

        my @targets = qw(ca_reg.cgi ca_system.cgi);
        my $index = 0;
        my $jscript = '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function doit(){
var base_uri = "https://domains/perl/";;
var urls=new Array();' ."\n";'

                foreach my $targ (@targets)
                        $jscript .= 'urls[' . $index++ . ']="' . $targ  . "\";\n";
                $jscript .= 'var nChosen = document.FormName.sysname.selectedIndex;
var wordup = base_uri + urls[nChosen];
document.FormName.action= wordup;
document.FormName.method = "POST";
return true;

        my $form = '<form  name="FormName" action="../" onsubmit="doit()" 

        # the part where you stuff in the 'hidden values' you want,
        # such as the domain,affiliate_id, etc... or put them in
        # other things that this 'form' would send back


If you put that '$jscript' into the <head>...</head>
and show your 'form' in the <body>...</body>

when you user 'submits' it will go through the 'javascript'
to resolve the 'real method' and sent the Post to
the two scripts.



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