Wiggins D'Anconia wrote:
>Philip Pawley wrote:
>>I want to be able to adapt my web-files, as they are being served, so that older 
>browsers get an xhtml 1.0-transitional version instead of the default xhtml 1.1 
>version. This will involve replacing the DOCTYPE declaration and, also, various xhtml 
>tags to include deprecated html attributes. This needs to happen only for older user 
>agents such as Netscape 4.
>>I imagine this can be done using some search-and-replace module but I can't find a 
>suitable one. 
>>Currently, I am using SSI to run a browser-detection script and insert appropriate 
>css <link ..> and javascript <script..></script> tags. The problem with that is that 
>it limits me to parsing only a small portion of the html file. Earlier, I asked a 
>question about re-using variables so that I could use the several SSI includes and 
>several scripts to do the task. It seems that storing the computed values of the 
>variables from one script to the next is a bit too involved. (Thanks you, Wiggins 
>D'Anconia, for your help with that).
>Though it may not be the best way, it is certainly a way.  We used to embed special 
>comments in a file, then in the script, read in the "template" as we called it, 
>looked for the comment and whenever we found it dropped in whatever content was 
>necessary.  You could do something similar to this...
>my $browser = 'old' if ($ENV{'USER_AGENT'} =~ /Netscape 4/);
>my $newtag = '<p />';
>print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
>open($TEMPLATE,'/path/to/template.html') or die "Can't open template for reading: $!";
>my @template = <$TEMPLATE>;
>foreach my $line (@template) {
>   if ($line =~ /<!--doctype-->/) {
>       if ($browser eq 'old') {
>           # print old version of doctype (or no doc type)
>       }
>   }
>   elsif ($line =~ /<!--oldtag-->/) {
>       $line =~ /<!--oldtag-->/$newtag/;
>       print $line;
>   }
>This only works when comments are on their own line for the doctype and any server 
>side includes will *NOT* be parsed without special treatment from the web server, or 
>by getting the template through a second request to the server, but it should give 
>you some ideas and get you started. Obviously you can use the power of hashes to 
>handle multiple old tags, etc.

Thanks for the suggestions. The problem is I need to start from someone requesting an 
html file, not someone calling a script.

How can I do it?


Philip Pawley

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