hai all, i tested the folowing proxy.pl prg. my browser displays cookies not set error. why when it sends the request to the original server, it sends connection :close header. why is it so.
Thanks use strict; use HTTP::Daemon; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request; my($CRLF)="\015\012"; my $d=new HTTP::Daemon LocalAddr => 'localhost', LocalPort => 8080; Reuse=>1; Listen=>20; print "please contact me at\n "; sub prefix { my $now = localtime; join "", map { "[$now] [${$}] $_\n" } split /\n/, join "", @_; } $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { warn prefix @_ }; $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { die prefix @_ }; $SIG{CLD} = $SIG{CHLD} = sub { wait; }; my $agent=new LWP::UserAgent; while (my $client= $d->accept) { print "connected\n"; defined (my $pid=fork); if ($pid) { undef($client); } else { $client->autoflush(1); &handler($client); } } sub handler { my $client=shift; while($client) { my $req = $client->get_request; print $req->url."\n"; if (!defined $req){exit(0);} &fetchres($req,$client); } } sub fetchres { my ($originreq)=shift; my $req=$originreq->clone; $req->protocol($originreq->protocol()); my $res=$agent->request($req); chomp (my ($mess)=$res->message); my $client=shift; $client->send_status_line($res->code,$mess, $res->protocol); print $client $res->headers_as_string("$CRLF").("$CRLF"); print $client ${$res->content_ref}; } __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Shopping - Send Flowers for Valentine's Day http://shopping.yahoo.com -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]