Hello all:) You have been greaet helps to me in the past, and im hoping you can help now:) A friend of mine is in a class learning perl and her script keeps getting an error that there is a bracket missing on line 190. When i looked at it, all i could see was the nested statement problem i had at one time. Do you think that is the problem? and if so, what would be the best way to fix it? I want her to be able to learn it, not to have it done for her, but i want to give her the best advice possible:
Script::: #!/usr/bin/perl # # lab3.pl # my @scorearray; sub getinformation() { local $score = 0; local $total = 0; local $ctr = 0; local $rpt_ctr = 0; open (OUTFILE, ">>info.txt") || die "cannot open info.txt $!"; local $var = "bad"; while ($var eq "bad") { print "enter student's first name: "; $firstname = <STDIN>; chop ($firstname); $length = length($firstname); if (!$length) { print "Not a valid First Name, try again.\n"; next; { if($length > 20) { print "Not a valid First Name, try again. \n"; next; } if($length) { $var = "good"; print (OUTFILE "$firstname|"); } } local $var1 = "bad"; while ($var1 eq "bad") { print "enter student's last name: "; $lastname = <STDIN>; chop ($lastname); if (!$length1) { print "Not a valid last name, try again. \n"; next; } if($length1 > 20) { print "Not a valid last name, try again. \n"; next; } if($length1) { $var1 = "good"; print(OUTFILE "$lastname|"); } } local $var2 = "bad"; while($var2 = "bad") { print "enter student's SSN:"; $ssn = <STDIN>; chop($ssn); $length2=length($ssn); if(!$length2) { print "Not a valid Social Security Number, try again.\n"; next; } $ssn =~ s/[^\d]//g; if($ssn !~ m/^\d{9}$/) { print "Not a valid Social Security Number, try again.\n"; next; } if($ssn =~ m/^\d{9}$/) { $var2 = "good"; print(OUTFILE "$ssn"); } } local $ctr1 = 1; while ($ctr < 4) { print "enter a test score $ctr1: "; $score = <STDIN>; chop ($score); if ($score eq "q") { last; } local $error = "true"; testscore($score); if ($error eq "false") { next; } else { $total += $score; $ctr++; $ctr1++; $scorearray[$ctr]=$score; } }; while($rpt_ctr <= $ctr) { print (OUTFILE "$scorearray[$rpt_ctr]"); if($rpt_ctr < 3) { print(OUTFILE "|"); } $rpt_ctr++; } print (OUTFILE "\n"); getscore(); }; sub getscore() { local $display = 4 - $ctr; local $avg = $total / 4; print "Score total is $total \n"; print "number of scores entered is $ctr \n"; print "Score Average is $avg \n"; print "$firstname is missing $display tests\n"; warnings(); }; sub testscore() { if ($score > 100) { print "invalid score, please make sure the score is less than or equal to 100\n"; $error = "false"; } if ($score < 0) { print "invalid score, please make sure the score is greater than or equal to 0\n"; $error = "false"; } }; sub warnings() { if ($avg <= 60) { print "Grim Warning, $firstname !"; } elsif ($avg <= 70) { print "Uh-oh! You maybe in trouble, $firstname !"; } elsif ($avg <= 80) { print "Good going $firstname \n You have a satisfactory grade \n"; } elsif ($avg <= 90) { print "Way to go $firstname \n You have a satisfactory grade \n"; } else { print "Way to go $firstname \n You are AWESOME!\n"; } }; getinformation(); Thanks in Advance:):):):) __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Shopping - Send Flowers for Valentine's Day http://shopping.yahoo.com -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]