Ed Sickafus wrote:
You might have better luck on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list, despite its name, advanced topics are discussed as well. I know there are several of us on both lists, but some of the gurus there may not read this one.Didn't find a list at CPAN for installing modules. Please point me if this query is out of place.
I wonder if starting over from the beginning with your local install of MLDBM might help, I realize that is a pain, but sometimes starting over is the only way, and seeing how things aren't working currently couldn't hurt right?
I have seen this before, but not sure how I fixed/got around it. It was with the IO::Tty,IO::Pty modules, they were pre-existing on the system and it seemed no matter how loud I yelled at CPAN it didn't seem to use my install location configuration.Since loading MLDBM-2.01, non-root, on an Apache Cobalt Linux release 5.0 (Pacifica) Kernel 2.2.16C27_III on an i586 running Perl 5.005_03 a few weeks ago, I've experienced inconsistent difficulties with use MLDBM and use Storable. Storable was in place before MLDBM-2.01 was loaded. A 2-line script: use lib '/users/esickafus/tmp/MLDBM-2.01/blib/lib/lib/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Seri alizer'; use MLDBM qw(DB_File Storable); does not compile: "Can't locate MLDBM.pm in @INC" even though 3 copies of MLDBM.pm exist. So, I removed/reinstalled Storable-2.05 non-root. Installation failed. The log follows below.
Makefile.PL produced: Warning: prerequisite Test::More 0.41 not found at (eval 1) line 220. '' is not a known MakeMaker parameter name. make had no warnings. make test produced: t/downgrade.........Can't locate Test/More.pm in @INC (and more, see below)
Do you have Test::More installed? Version?
make install produced: Warning: You do not have permissions to install into /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux at /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/ExtUtils/Install.pm line 61. --------- Installation log for Storable-2.05 ---------------- [esickafus@webserv01 Storable-2.05]$ ls ChangeLog Makefile.PL Storable.pm t MANIFEST README Storable.xs [esickafus@webserv01 Storable-2.05]$ perl Makefile.PL PREFIX = /home/sites/site61/users/esickafus/lib
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