Thanks William,

The server is Apache. I was calling the script using an SSI in an html page:
<!--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/test.cgi" -->

I just tried calling the script directly with the browser and that did work. I suppose 
this means that you can't alter the headers using a script called with a virtual 
include. Is that right?

Actually, this brings me to my reason for messing with HTTP headers: I want to create 
"Expires:" HTTP headers for the server response when it is dishing out image files 
(also for javascript and css files). Server-side includes would be no use for this 
anyway. How would I do it?

Thanks again,

At 16/01/03 11:03 -0500, William McKee wrote:
>Hi Philip,
>I looked at the script. How are you running it? From the command
>line or from a web server? It works fine on the comand line and from the
>server for me. What server are you using to display it? I'm using Apache. 
>If you are running it from the server you may need to include -nph => 1 to
>tell the server not to generate headers because you are doing it
>yourself. I've never had a need to do this myself.
>Good luck,

Philip Pawley

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