How can this script compare two lists and save the matched components while
being insensitive to case? This script compares a subscription list against
the standard list and removes the emails not in the standard list. It works,
but if cases do not match in every detail, it fails. Thanks.

%bingo_subscribers = {}; open(BINGO, $BINGO_SUBSCRIPTION_FILENAME);
  chomp($_); $bingo_subscribers{$_} = 1; } @valid_bingo_subscribers = ();
while(<MASSMAIL1>){   chomp($_);
($user_email, $user_name) = split(/:/, $_);
  if ($bingo_subscribers{$_} == 1)  {    push(@valid_bingo_subscribers,
$user_email);  }
foreach $valid_subscriber (@valid_bingo_subscribers)
{  print BINGO_VALID $valid_subscriber ."\n"; }

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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