On Wed, 15 Jan 2003 15:54:02 +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Glynn
S. Condez) wrote:

>i have a web form that users can input a username and password and check if
>the username is valid by parsing or extracting the contents of a file, here
>the web form html:

I'm not sure what you are trying to do with just the username,
don't you want to check the password too?

>use CGI qw(param);
>$username = param('username');
>$password = param('password');
>$file= "/home/user/public_html/file.txt";
>print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
>open (F1,"$file");
>foreach (<F1>) {
>($field1,$field2,$field3,$field4,$field5,$field6) = split /\s/, $_;
>if ($username =~ /\b$field2\b/) {
if (($username =~ /\b$field2\b/)and ($password =~ /\b$field3\b/)) {
    print "OK\n";
    print "$username and $password\n";

        print "oops try again\n";

>and this is the content of the file.txt:
user: user1 password my.domain.com mech:PLAIN

>user: user2 realm: my.domain.com mech:PLAIN
>user: user3 realm: my.domain.com mech:PLAIN
>user: user4 realm: my.domain.com mech:PLAIN
>my problem with this script is, it doesnt display if the
>username is valid or not but valid usernames display
>OK, $username and $password.
>whats the problem with the else statement? kindly correct my
>--- Glynn ---

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