On Thu, 12 Dec 2002 08:01:59 -0500, "Christopher G Tantalo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Anette Seiler wrote:
> > Dear members of the list!
> >
> > I want to do something where I am not sure it can be done with perl...
> >
> > Basically a user should klick on a button on a website. Then the script
> > should create a file with certain information from a database on the
> > webserver (that's easy) and that file should automatically be downloaded
> > into a certain directory on the user's computer (that is the difficult
> > part). The user is not computer illaterate, but he should not bother about
> > downloading and choosing certain directories (as he will have to download
> > hundreds of these files)  and definitely not about ftp or something like that.
> >
> > Well, as I said, it is the downloading part that I don't know how to do.
> > Can it be done with perl or should I look at something else - maybe javascript?
> >
> > Greetings
> >
> > Anette Seiler
> i should hope that you cant do this.
> if it can be done... i am glad i have measures to stop this on my home pc...
> chris


Though it could be done with perl, just not in the way you intended... That is it 
could be done from the client side instead.  Depends on how set your environment is.  
You could probably use an ActiveX control over IE or something to do this, but I don't 
claim to have any knowledge of such matters...


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