On Thu, 5 Dec 2002 at 10:39, Admin-Stress opined:

A:I just want to make a 'secure site' that need username and password. So, the first 
page of my site
A:would be "fill in you username and password", for example, it will be placed here :
A:   http://www.mydomain.com/login.html
A:After that, I will call /cgi-bin/checkpasswd.pl, if OK then user will be transfered 
to another
A:page, e.g.: 
A:   http://www.mydomain.com/welcome.html
A:My question, how can I make sure that ONLY ppl passed checkpasswd.pl can see that 
A:(and the rest of page). It should be about checking 'session' or some other trick 

can't you use an .htaccess file?

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