I agree with what John Herbold already posted but would add:

This probably has more to do with your hardware up to a point. Running mysql on a 486 is going to obviously not be as efficient as running it on a dual sun box, etc.

In a previous position we ran 50 or so databased sites that ranged from 1000 to 12000 or more users a day each on one intel box with maxed out ram and never had a problem. The other option you might consider is using mod_perl or similar technology that will allow for pooled and persistent database connections. Most of the overhead associated with a database is the initial connection, if this is reduced then your app should scale better.


Admin-Stress wrote:
Sorry, another out of topic.

Is it safe to use mySQL in cgi? I meant, if my update.pl perl cgi will do this :

connect to mysql database
insert into table values (values from FORM)
... other tasks ...

What happen if there are, let say 100 people accessing that perl cgi? I meant maybe there will be
more than one connecting into database, is this ok?
Will the mysql database be corrupted?
In old days, usually we have to LOCK database in multiuser environment :

connect to mysql database
lock database // so other user should WAIT before they can connect

Thanks if you can enlighten me with current concept of mysql.


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