Vargas Media wrote:

> Hi,
> I have been studying with the O'Reilly book "CGI Programming with Perl" -
> Chapter 5 page 99
> Below is an example of a upload.cgi that utilizes
> I am not able to get it to work correctly yet and I am trying to find out

what exactly is the error message that you get that indicates your script is 
not working? you should be able to get that from your server's error log. 
with the exact error message, people should be able to pinpon the error for 

> if it is the directory I am trying to load the file to or a progammatical
> error. The html is at:
> I have been using
> to help me get the information I need to upload files using the correct
> path.
> Is that a good way to go about it and if so what Environment Variable
> should I be looking at to return a path I can use...
> I have an empty folder on my server under www that is called "uploads" and
> wanted to upload files there.
> Here is the code from the Book "CGI Programming with Perl - it is in
> Chapter 5 - page 99
> -PS:btw- What is the CHMOD setting that I should be using with this CGI
> and "uploads" directory?

since you are still debugging the script, you might want to open up the 
permission to your upload directory to everyone like:

chmod 777 www
chmod 777 upload

... etc

just make sure you change it to whatever access permission you need after 
you finish debugging your script.


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