On 28 Aug 2002 at 18:41, Gfoo opined:

G:I', planning to use mod_perl for speed.
G:But... How can I keep the authentication routines I' ve written and have 
G:mod_perl to help me? You mean configuring the server (apache) to handle 
G:authentication by calling some perl code? Will this let me have a page full 
G:of content and give the ability to the user viewing this page to POST its 
G:credentials in order to login (and return to the same page, but logged in?)

you write a mod_perl handler to do the just the authentication, then you 
can remove all the authentication procedures from your other code.  you'll 
then need to change your httpd.conf and assign your authentication handler 
to the location (or file, if you keep your .pl or .cgi) and restart 

this may be getting off-topic for this list.

read the documentation on perl.apache.org, or get the eagle book 

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