Hello folks, I'm not entirely sure this is the correct forum to post
this in, but in all reality there isn't exactly an overwhelming
community of 
Perl programmers out there. I along with my co-Creator Morgana run a
Wheel Of Time Multi-User Domain for Roleplaying. It's a MUD to those who
know what 
a MUD is. We began a project using Perl, and have since developed until
socket code, connections, mySQL and main systems were put in place to
create a working MUD project. Now we're looking for the JAPH community,
or professionals who wouldn't mind having a little fun helping us out as
well as sharing our vision of creating one very nice Perl based Mud.
I'll send out the same general advertisement I send to sites such as the
Mud connector, and the MUD Gazette, etc etc, and hopefully we can get a
few serious Perl gurus to lend us a hand.  Thanks for your time.

Age of Discovery has positions available for qualified Perl Programmers
on their Weaver staff for a Wheel of Time Mud. The Mud engine, developed
from scratch features many innovative designs by the administration and
Head Coder, and offers a wide variety of possibilities and advancement. 

The Perl source is set up on a Mandrake linux server, which includes
mySQL integration and CVS. The code progression hovers at Alpha phase,
heavy coding is expected over the next phase until we can reach Beta
testing and finally production status. 

Interested candidates should visit:


Alternately, you may visit us at aod.dracowolf.com 4848
or email us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you.

Riodan, Age of Discovery Creator.

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