>   we all know already, what it looks like, when we have a form like
>   this:
>   <form method=get action=/cgi-bin/blabla.cgi>
>         <input type="hidden" name="AREA" value="1">
>         <input type="hidden" name="EXT" value="bla">
>         <input type="submit" name="submit">
>   </form>
>   will be this as a link:
>   http://bla.net/cgi-bin/blabla.cgi?AREA=1&EXT=bla

For upload file, you need to make the method by POST, 
AND, you have to add enctype="multipart/form-data" inside
the <form...> tag. However, you can handle upload files by 

If you interested to do it by yourself, try the code below :

use strict;

    if ($ENV{CONTENT_TYPE}) 
        # if content_type exist, that's a multi-part form.
        # That is, for file upload.

    { binmode (STDIN) ; 
       read (STDIN, my $data, $ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH});
        print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
        print $data; # Hmm... can you read what are they ?
    { .... # this is a normal text form}

>   ok.... but, what does it look link, when we are uploading a FILE?
>   my goal is it to log in my web based email account and automatically
>   replace my addressbook. I wrote the filter for my addressbook,
>   converting the "the-BAT" addressbook to "outlook" style... I just
>   need to upload it yet.

Where is your webmail a/c? and where is your address book? What is outlook 
style? *.wab format ? or you want to fetch your mail from your ad. book page?

>   I was thinking of using the "IO::Socket::INET" module - is that
>   possible? if so, how?

Emmm... I guess not. =)


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