No Longer Exists wrote at Wed, 14 Aug 2002 21:40:41 +0200:
> I have this code that redirects just fine, gives me no
> errors, yet will NOT send out the e-mail that is
> written within the script. IT is running on a AIX
> machine. Anyone have any ideas on how to get the
> e-mail to run? i have to rewrite ALL 100+ scripts
> within my companies cgi-bin within 3 weeks and could
> REALLY use the help:)
> ...
> open MAIL, "| '/usr/lib/sendmail' -t -i" or die "Could
> not open sendmail: $!";
> print MAIL <<EOM;
>       To: cynkim\
>       From: mememememe\
>       Reply-To: cynkim\
>       Subject: Perl security test
> This is a test, it is only a test
> close MAIL or die "Error closing sendmail: $!";

I'm not sure,
but I can't imagine that sendmail works with indented headers in that way
(even if these are only tabs).

You should better try:

print MAIL <<EOM;
To: cynkim\
From: mememememe\
Reply-To: cynkim\
Subject: Perl security test

This is a test, it is only a test
close MAIL or die "Error closing sendmail: $!";

Best Wishes,

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