On Thu, 8 Aug 2002 10:33:27 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rob) wrote:

>Does any one know of an example script that uses the DBI module, connects
>to a PostgreSql database, query's the db, and inserts a record.
>I've been using flat text files for any storage that I've needed in the
>past but would like to move on with the learning process.  I've read the
>perldoc for DBI but I think a small working example would help me out a
>great deal.

Make sure postgres is running, put in your username, make sure the db
ztest is created first. This just fills up a products table with random

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# insert_product : this script will insert records into the 
#                  products table
use DBI;

my $database_name   = "ztest";
my $database        = "dbi:Pg:dbname=$database_name";
my $db_user         = "zentara";

my $PRODUCT_TB      = "products";

# number of record to insert into the table
my $rec_num = 1000;

my $dbh = DBI->connect($database,$db_user,"") or
     die "Can't connect to database\n";

$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE products ( 
  name varchar(50),  
  price int4,
  description varchar(50),
  pic_location varchar(50)

my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO $PRODUCT_TB(name,price,description,
             pic_location) VALUES (?,?,?,?)");
for ($i = 1; $i <= $rec_num; $i++){
my $name = "Product $i";
my $price = rand 350;
#my $category = rand 3;
my $desc = "Description of product $i";
my $pic = "images/product/product".$i.".jpg";
print "Finish inserting $rec_num records into table $PRODUCT_TB\n";

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