Actually, I already fixed this problem with a chop().
To answer your question I put the flock()s there and commented them out
incase I do end up writing/appending to the files, which I do plan on

On Thu, 1 Aug 2002 17:52:13 -0400, "David T-G"
> Kyle --
> ...and then Kyle Babich said...
> % 
> % I wrote the attached script not realizing that when I open() files it
> % would return the 1 when it was sucessful.  How would I open a file
> Yep.
> % without the 1, or anything else besides the content of the file,
> being
> % returned?
> Just don't capture the result if you don't care; I see that you
>   $content = open( INDEXDEF, "<index.html" ) || die( "error:  open
>   INDEXDEF failed\n" );
> #  flock ( INDEXDEF, LOCK_EX );
>   seek( INDEXDEF, 0, 0 );
>   while( <INDEXDEF> )
>   {
>     print $_;
>   }
> #  flock ( INDEXDEF, LOCK_UN );
>   close( INDEXDEF ) || die( "error:  close INDEXDEF failed\n" );
> so you're reading the actual content in your while() loop; either skip
> the $content trap or look at it as $success instead of $content.
> From what I can tell you expect to capture "the whole file" for
> printing
> later but, in the meantime, you also print it line by line.  Is doubled
> output your intent?
> It looks like your procedure is the same for every file except for the
> name of the file you open.  Why not put your open / flock / seek /
> while() / unlock / close (BTW, why bother with locking when you only
> read?) in a function and pass it the filename, a la
>   if ( $con eq "" || $con eq "index" ) { dofilemagic("index.html") }
>   if ( $con eq "index2" ) { dofilemagic("index2.html") }
>   if ( $con eq "main" ) { dofilemagic("main.html") }
>   ...
> (though I'd prefer to use the lovely Switch module from CPAN in this
> sort
> of case)?
> % 
> % Thank you,
> % --
> % Kyle
> :-D
> -- 
> David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's
> principles
> (play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune
> cookie
>    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl
> Npg!


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