Hi, I need to communicate with remote device through UDP protocol, this is my problem: If I send number to port UDP XY of remote device (number must be 2-bytes long), remote device will send me back this data structure: (Pascal-like) TS_QUE_TYPE = Packed Record tsqQueId : Word; tsqStatus : Word; tsqSlotPort : Word; tsqMembers : Word; tsqQueDir : Array[1..2] of TS_QUE_DIR_TYPE; end; (required structures) Int48 = Array[1..3] of Word; TS_QUE_DIR_TYPE = Packed Record tsqBitRate : Longint; tsqUtilization : Byte; tsqBufLevel : Byte; tsqDataRate : Word; tsqPackets : Int48; tsqBytes : Int48; tsqDiscards : Int48; end; and I need to access values e.g. tsqQueDir[1].tsqDataRate and generate output to web page. It must be written in Perl and working under FreeBSD. I wrote same application in Delphi (Winow$ suxx) in 10 minutes, but I don't know how to do that in Perl. Please help. Thank you Pavel Koutny