On Sat, 27 Jul 2002 22:38:23 +0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Octavian Rasnita)

>It is that script for downloading a file then delete it from the server.
>I've tried putting the "unlink $file" line in an END { ... } but this block
>it is not executed if the download is cancelled.
>Do you have any idea if I have any solution to make it work?

I tested it on linux apache with mozilla. It unlinks the file
if the user cancels the download. If you have people
killing their browser, without cancelling the download,
you may get some files left. Why don't you write the names
of the files, and their start-download times to a file, then
every hour run a script which cleans up files which
didn't get deleted, if their start-download time is older
than 10 minutes.

>until (eof FH) {
>read (FH, my $buf, 1);
>print $buf;
Why use read with such a small block size?
This works:
while (<FH>){print}

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