GsuLinuX wrote:
 > I wanna check the information typed in the form field whether if it
 > is in date format or not . Like : check it if it is in format
 > day/mount/year , in format like ab/cd/ef or ab/cd/efgh  "ab" must
 > be valid like between 1-31 "cd" must be valid between 1-12 or must
 > be a string that exist in an array that i define, for exemple A[12] "ef"
 >  must be valid like between 00-99 or "efgh" between 1900-2010
 > In second part i wanna get the month in a variable, i mean "cd" to a
 >  variable , "cd" can be either a numeric value or a string

you should look into using Date::Calc.  it has many functions for 
checking a date's validity, extracting parts, etc.

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