Hi, i've two questions (problems...)
1.- I've perl for windows (active perl) when i try to
do a line command it's doesn't work! i do something
like this:
D:\>perl -e 'for(1..300)sleep 1;print STDERR ".";'

and i receive this answer!!!:
Can't find string terminator "'" anywhere before EOF
at -e line 1.
i receive this always... (HELP!!!)

2.- how can i make a exe file?? i put perlcc but when
compiles give me a lot of errors, not found *.lib
(kernel32.lib, etc)


PD gracias a los que me ayudaron con lo del
interprete, muy bueno lo del recDescend pero
casualmente lo que tengo que programar para la
facultad es algo similar a eso!!!!....

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