> I thought Windows doesn't support Perl's flock, but I heard that it does.
> Is it true?

Yes, flock can use in Win32 OS.

> I've seen more Perl programs that create another temporary file for
> a file as locked than programs that use the flock function.

Imagine, there is a text based guest book file. But when 2 ppl sign to the
at the same time , what will happen if the first one's entry still writing
and the
second one already start to write to the file ? (Ans. The file will be
erased ).
So flock it.

Imagine, there is shopping cart's quotation program for public. You need to
and save some referece to somewhere and print out at last. What will you do
? A
temp file maybe an idea, because you may not need it after the quot. has
printed out.

For me, flock is pointing to some file for long run, and temp file as it
named, for temp
usuage, just short run.


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