I don't think it's an issue with your script. I think your hosting provider
needs to add your domain to rcpthosts on the mail server. Did you try
turning debugging on in Mail::POP3Client?

Scot R.

-----Original Message-----
From: Shao-Ju Chao [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2002 3:21 PM
Subject: pop-before-smtp in perl

My web shosting ISP (featureprice.com) has applied 'pop-before-smtp' rule on
its SMTP
server so every time anyone want to send mail via their smtp server, the
user has to
login to the POP3 account first (to identity they are valid users). They do
this to
prevent their smtp server being abused as a spam server. I can understand
how this works
if I am using a PC email client to send/receive emails (you just check mail
before you
send email). However, i am trying to send an email from inside a cgi perl
script on the
server using the unix 'sendmail' command. I got "553 sorry, that domain
isn't in my list
of allowed rcpthosts" message after doing this.

Then I added a few lines of code (POP3 login) hoping this will let the
server know that I
am a valid user (see attached code), but it still doesn't work (still got
553). I wonder
if anyone has experience with this or how to do thjis in perl code. Thanks a


require './myown.cgi';
use Mail::Sendmail;
use Mail::POP3Client;

##### to deal with pop-before-smtp,
##### first use pop3 to log in to the server
$pop = new Mail::POP3Client( HOST     => "my.pop3.server",  ## pop server
                             USER     => "myusername",     ## send ID
                             PASSWORD => "mypass",      ## send password
                             AUTH_MODE => 'PASS',    ## send password by
                              DEBUG    =>0);    ## don't show debug message

##### check to see if there is any mail
##### just checking, don't do anything
  for( $i = 1; $i <= $pop->Count(); $i++ ) {
    foreach( $pop->Head() ) {
      # do nothing
##### close the connection after successful pop3 login

##### after successful login,
##### send email from the Mail::Sendmail module
%mail=(To      => "myemail\@yahoo.com",
       From    => "$in{'email'}",
       Subject => "$in{'subject'}",
       Message => "This message is from $in{'email'}\n$in{'feedback'}");

if (sendmail(%mail)) {
       &Print_Page("Message Sent","Your message has been sent to the
webmaster. We will
resppond to you as soon as possible, thank you.");
else {
       &Print_Page("Message Not Sent","Your message has not been sent
because --
".$Mail::Sendmail::error. ". Please contact <a
href=\"mailto:$saadminemail\";>webmaster</a>, thank you.");


Shao-Ju Chao (Bruce)
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