Seem to have stated my own solution.

$outlog=gzopen($fn,"a");  specifies appendage to a file whereas
$outlog=gzopen($fn,"wb"); specifies overwriting a file.

Does anyone know how to READ a gzip file into an array?


> Hi all,
> I'm running a site with a lot of compressed text files containing data for
> various clients.  Some of these files get appended to (lets say, a log file
> perhaps).  Is there some prevision to the Compress:Zlib module that lets you
> specify that you want to append to a file? (instead of needing to read the
> entire file in, appending to the array or variable, then writing it back
> again?)
> The open(TAG,$filename); command has the >> part before the filename to
> specify that  print OUTPUTFILE 's  are appended to the file only.
> This is the method I'm using at the moment to read the file without appendage:
> use Compress::Zlib;
> $fn = 'test.gz';
> my $outlog=gzopen($fn,"a");
> $line='line number 234';
> $outlog->gzwrite($line."\n");
> $outlog->gzclose();
> print "done.\n";

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