Octavian Rasnita wrote at Thu, 11 Jul 2002 17:49:57 +0200:

> I try to print the \n character as \015\012 but I don't know why it works and why 
>\013\010 doesn't
> work.
> Isn't CR character ascii 13 and LF character ascii 10?
> What is wrong here?

In fact CR is ASCII 13 and LF is ASCII 10.

But \015, \012 stands for *octal* numbers.

As octal numbers have the base 8, 
the 9 and 10 are missing,
so it seems like they are greater than we would expect first.


PS: Your question is really off topic to a cgi list.
    You should have better posted in perl.beginners.
    (As I've already told it to you,
     it's the last off topic posting of you,
     I'll answer)

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