Gunther, et al -- ...and then Gunther Birznieks said... % % At 08:55 AM 7/10/2002, David T-G wrote: % > ... % >searching (fruitlessly) for a calendar that will print multi-day events % >in a lined-up bar across the days instead of jumbling events together. % >Will yours work for me? % % Our calendar does something like this within our day view. We call it a % "chunking algorithm" to allow events to span different hours and overlap
Good name; quite descriptive. % with other events within the same day while looking nice. Exactly. % % Our month and week views do not do this same chunking (the events are just Ah. % repeated) but the general chunking algorithm could probably be reused in % our month and week views if this was something you were keen on. That's good to know. % % It's part of the downloads on Thanks; I'll save the bookmark! extropia sounds very familiar; hmmm... Ah! Yep; I hit the Selena web page when looking for web-based calendars back in '98 or so :-) Perhaps it's time I visited again. % % Later, % Gunther % Thanks again & HAND :-D -- David T-G * It's easier to fight for one's principles (play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie (work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!
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