----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 6:34 PM

Hi everybody... I'm building a web application on linux, using perl (of course!!!), and postgreSQL for my database needs,but I need a little help, see I want to have a combo box for the user to select the contents insede a table on a pg database... does anyone knows how to do this???
One more thinggy... ahhh this maybe a silly question.. but ... well... the web page that has the form that I use to get the data from the user... and then pass it to the perl cript... somehow sometimes, it tryes to record the data from an early post...  like on the form i get name=luis then the perl records on the database name=luis, but sometimes if a try to use the form and name=jake then the perl tryes to record on the database luis,jake... how can I resolve this..
thanks a lot

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