On Friday, July 5, 2002, at 08:31 , Connie Chan wrote:
> If you want to know what 'fields' inside %Data :
> @DataKeys = keys(%Data);
> print "@DataKeys"; # So you get "Code, Birth, Name"...
> # However, the elements order in @DataKeys is not base
> #on how's the order you create your key field in %Data.
> If you want to know how many elements inside @DataKeys :
> $total = $#DataKeys;
> print $total;

Connie - as you will note at:


You were mostly right - cool enough for me to knick your
basic framework....

but $#DataKeys is the last Index into your keys,
but scalar(@DataKeys) or even

        my $elements = @DataKeys;

will give you the number of elements.

I of course tweeked your data to make showing Nikolai
that the indirection at that point is Mostly Irrelevant,
in the
> @all = (\@array1, \@array2 ... ); # ... so on
> to access first array and first element:
> $all[0]->[0]; # i think or is it: $all[0][0]

both WORK - but folks should start getting paranoid
about whether the thing at

        $all[$i] is actually an array or a scalar or a hash....

Given the OP's original assertion - the thought strikes me,

If you have a fixed location in @array that you want to keep
track of - AND you promise never to change stuff you could try

        my $value_found_at_slot_17 = $array[17];

And you will always be able to find what had been there....



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