I did not say that you said this.  I did say that was the tone (or feeling created 
based on what
was said).  I knew you had mentioned the ; vs & thing before.  But at that time, I 
still did not
have a solutions to replace it with.
    I understand the frustration of telling somebody something, then being ignored, 
but when I
suggest something should be done differently to somebody, I always present a solution, 
that way they
don't feel like I'm just telling them they cant or shouldn't do it.  The frustrating 
issue was, I
felt you were pouncing on my ambition without any interest in helping.
    The suggestion you gave me in this email
> why not use the solution that was already given in message:
    I would be happy to take a look at, but I am uncertain how to access this archive. 
 I remove the
emails I get from mailing lists each day, and don't have past records other than 
emails I have sent.
Perhaps you could reply with the proper solution, or give me a url where I could see 
an example.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Todd Wade" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 4:35 PM
Subject: Re: Form.pm

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> ....
> I appreciate your feedback.  The reason I was frustrated with Todd is
because it was strictly
> criticism.  Basically the tone was "Your wrong, and you shouldn't be
making your own lib anyway".

you are putting words in my mouth.... I didnt say you were wrong, I said the
code was wrong. Also, Im sure I have never debated wether or not someone
should make their own library.

in message [EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I mentioned the
spec says '&' and ';' are legal for seperating name value pairs. I was
reminding you that I already mentioned it.

> >    my @variables = split(/\&/, $input);
> > First, we know that the split is incorrect.  A semi-colon is the new,
> > delimiter for form data, beginning with the HTML 4.0 specification.
> Any suggestions on how to do this?  Should I check to see if there are &'s
and if not attempt to
> split on ;'s?

why not use the solution that was already given in message:

Todd W.

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