this is my script:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Expect;
$passwdex = "/usr/bin/passwd";     # umiestnenie programu passwd
sub ChangeUnixPasswd {
      my ($account,$passwd) = @_;
      my $pobj = Expect->spawn($passwdex, $account);
      die "Unable to spawn $passwdex:$!\n" unless (defined $pobj);
      $pobj->expect(10,"New password:");
      print $pobj "$passwd\r";
      $pobj->expect(10,"Retype new password:");
      print $pobj "$passwd\r";
      $result = (defined ($pobj->expect(10,"passwd: updating the
database...")) ?
                                  "" : "passwd: Permission denied");
      $pobj->soft_close(  );
      return $result;
$acc = "user";
$password = "newpassword";
unless ($result = &ChangeUnixPasswd("user",$password)) {
      print "suceed: $acc $password\n";
} else {
      print "failed.\n";
This works, but if I need to call 
unless ($result = &ChangeUnixPasswd($acc,$password)) {
i get error like this:
print on closed filehandle Symbol::GEN0 at .
Please help!
Thank you, Pavel

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