Well, I'm a little bit behind schedule because the home page for Form.pm just got erased (long story).  Anyway, I just setup a backup system on my server now so I'll have a weeks worth of daily backup's (ya, I know I should have had this before).  But attached are the main functions of Form.pm there are three functions I left out.  One is Form, another is read_net_input and the last one is write_file.  By the way, do I have any reason to believe that somebody may run off with my code and claim it as their own?
    I was about to just include a link to the home page for Form.pm in this email, but now that its gone I'm not going to do that.  I'm hoping a buddy of mine has a cached copy. 
    I have yet to implement the file size limitations, file upload limitation, and the get with post option.
Soon, I will get the home page back together (I may have to rebuild it from scratch), then I'll post that, and you can just download the actual lib with all of the functions and the perldoc in it.
sub parse_form_input($){
    my $input = shift;
    my @variables = split(/\&/, $input);

    my (%form_vars, %var_count);
    foreach $variable (@variables) {
        next if ($variable !~ /\=/);
        my ($name, $value) = split(/\=/, $variable);
        $name =~ tr/+/ /;
        $name =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
        $value =~ tr/+/ /;
        $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
        if ($value ne ""){
            if (!defined $form_vars{$name}) { # if this is the first of this form 
input name.
                $var_count{$name} = 0; # set the count of the array to 0 incase there 
is more than one
                $form_vars{$name} = $value; # seting the variable the hash with the 
name to the value
            } else { # for repeated times in with the same form input name
                $form_vars{$name} = [($form_vars{$name})] if ($var_count{$name} == 0); 
# set the first element to the first input if this is only the second input with this 
                $var_count{$name}++; # increase the count of the array for this form 
input name
                push(@{$form_vars{$name}}, $value); # adding the next element to the 

sub parse_mform_input($) {
    my $input = shift;
    my (%form_vars, @name_file, @list, %var_count); 
    if( $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} =~ /multipart\/form-data; boundary=(.+)$/ ) {
        $boundary = '--'.$1;  # Using MIME to split out the form elements.
        @list = split(/$boundary/, $input); # split out each form variable into @list
        # this is going to eliminate the first and last element of @list if they are 
not valid.
        my $trash = shift(@list) if ($list[0] !~ / name=/); # Through the first 
element away if it is not a valid element
        $trash = pop(@list) if ($list[$#list] !~ / name=/); # Through the last element 
away if it is not a valid element
        # parsing data whether it be files or just a form.
        my $file_count = 0;
        foreach $listitem (@list){
            my %form_file;
            # if it is a file
            if ($listitem =~ / name=\"(.*)\"; filename=\"(.*?)\"[\r\n]{2}/){ # if the 
data has a filename in it then
                $form_file{'name'} = $1; # the contents of the () in the regular 
                $form_file{'file_name'} = $2; # the contents of the () in the regular 
                next if ($form_file{'file_name'} eq "");
                $listitem =~ /\r\n\r\n|\n\n/; # running an expression to seperate out 
the content
                $form_file{'file_content'} = $'; # rear part
                $form_file{'file_name'} =~ s/.+\\([^\\]+)$|.+\/([^\/]+)$/$1/; # strip 
out the directory
                $form_file{'file_content'} =~ s/[\r\n]{2}$//;  # the last \r\n was put 
in by Netscape
                $form_file{'file_name'} =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-_.]//g; # strip out all 
charicters except - _ . and alpha numaric charicters
                $form_file{'file_name'} =~ s/\.\.+/\./g; # replace 2 or more periods 
in a row.
                if (length($form_file{'file_name'}) > 250){ # if the length of the 
file name is longer than 250 charicters
                    my $extention = substr($form_file{'file_name'}, 0, 10); # get the 
extention (take into account it may be longer than 3 or for charicters)
                    $form_file{'file_name'} = (substr($form_file{'file_name'}, 0, 
240)) . $extention; # cut the file name down
                if ($form_file{'file_name'} ne "") { # if the file name is not empty 
                    if (length($form_file{'file_content'}) > 0){ # if the file is 
larger than 0 bytes
                        # creating a garanteed unique file name
                        $form_file{'ip_addition'} = "$ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}-" if 
                        $form_file{'random_number1'} = rand(1000000); # srand is set 
at the begining of the program.
                        $form_file{'random_number2'} = rand(1000000);
                        # the string "tmpfile", the current the current time in 
seconds, users ip address, proccess id, a random num, another random num and the file 
                        $form_file{'unique_file_identifier'} = $^T . "-" . 
$form_file{'ip_addition'} . $$ . "-" . $form_file{'random_number1'} . "-" . 
$form_file{'random_number2'} . "-" .. $file_count;
                        $form_file{'write_file'} = 

                        $form_vars{$form_file{'name'}}->{'original_name'} = 
$form_file{'file_name'}; #setting the variable $form_input_name{'original_name'} to 
the cleaned up original file name
                        $form_vars{$form_file{'name'}}->{'size'} = 
length($form_file{'file_content'}); # setting the variable $form_input_name{'size'} to 
the size of the file in bytes
                        $form_vars{$form_file{'name'}}->{'location'} = 
$form_file{'write_file'}; # seting the variable $form_input_name{'location'} to the 
location of the new temp file
                        # puting the file name and file contents into named hash array 
which I will pass to a file writing sub
                        $name_file[$file_count]->{'form_input_name'} = 
                        $name_file[$file_count]->{'file_content'} = 
                        $name_file[$file_count]->{'file_name'} = 
                    } else {
                        $form_vars{$form_file{'name'}}->{'error'}="FILE_EMPTY" if 
(length($form_file{'file_content'}) < 1); # set the error message.
                } else {
                    $form_vars{$form_file{'name'}}->{'error'}="FILE_NOT_FOUND"; # set 
error message                    
            } else { #the element was not a file
                $listitem =~ / name=\"(.+?)\"[\r\n]{2}/; # gathering form input name
                my $name = $1; # the contents of the () in the regular expresion.
                my $value = $'; # everything after the search string in the regular 
                $value =~ s/^[\r\n]+//; # strip the carage returns and line breaks off 
the front
                $value =~ s/[\r\n]+$//; # strip the carage returns and line breaks off 
the end
                if ($value ne ""){
                    if (!defined $form_vars{$name}) { # if this is the first of this 
form input name.
                        $var_count{$name} = 0; # set the count of the array to 0 
incase there is more than one
                        $form_vars{$name} = $value; # seting the variable the hash 
with the name to the value
                    } else { # for repeated times in with the same form input name
                        $form_vars{$name} = [($form_vars{$name})] if 
($var_count{$name} == 0); # set the first element to the first input if this is only 
the second input with this name
                        $var_count{$name}++; # increase the count of the array for 
this form input name
                        push(@{$form_vars{$name}}, $value); # adding the next element 
to the list
        return(\%form_vars, \@name_file);
    } else { # if it is not mime
        return(parse_form_input($input)); # call the non-mime parser
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