
First check if your "$c" has arrived :
> my $c = param('c');
> my $content = "c";
print "Hello $c <br>";

If this works, you'dd better send some more code.
Else you know why he complains.

Actualy I prefer this :

if (($c eq "h") || ($c eq "eh") || ($c eq "hd") || ($c eq "p") || ($c eq "c")) { 
$content = qq{\n}; }

Don't know what is faster.

Regs David
> Ok, here's more of my on-going saga.  All of a sudden the page stop loading so 
> I check the error logs and ran a perl -Tcw in the shell.  The syntax is fine 
> but these errors showed up on the log:
> [Wed Jun 26 06:33:34 2002] [error] [client] Premature end of 
> script headers: /hsphere/local/home/kbabich2/imap.cc/cgi-bin/index.cgi
> Use of uninitialized value in string eq at index.cgi line 14.
> Use of uninitialized value in string eq at index.cgi line 14.
> Use of uninitialized value in string eq at index.cgi line 14.
> Use of uninitialized value in string eq at index.cgi line 14.
> Use of uninitialized value in string eq at index.cgi line 14.
> Here is what (I believe) it is talking about:
> my $c = param('c');
> my $content = "c";
> if ($c eq "h") {
>    $content = qq{\n};
> } elsif ($c eq "eh") {
>    $content = qq{\n};
> } elsif ($c eq "hd") {
>    $content = qq{\n};
> } elsif ($c eq "p") {
>    $content = qq{\n};
> } elsif ($c eq "c") {
>    $content = qq{\n};
> }
> But once again I don't know what I should change.
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