When I load this in the browser I just get a blank page. The source shows declaration, html, body, head, and meta tags, but that's it. What should I change?
#!/usr/bin/perl -wT use strict; use CGI::Pretty qw/ :standard /; $CGI::DISABLE_UPLOADS = 1; $CGI::POST_MAX = 512 * 1024; print header ( "text/html" ); my $date = localtime; my $c = param('c'); my $content = "c"; if ($c eq "h") { $content = qq{\n}; } elsif ($c eq "eh") { $content = qq{\n}; } elsif ($c eq "hd") { $content = qq{\n}; } elsif ($c eq "p") { $content = qq{\n}; } elsif ($c eq "c") { $content = qq{\n}; } elsif ($c eq "su") { $content = qq{\n}; } my @nav = ("Home","E-Mail Hosting","Help Desk","Policies","Contact","Signup"); my @loc = ("index.cgi?c=h","index.cgi?c=eh","index.cgi?c=hd","index.cgi? c=p", "index.cgi?c=c","index.cgi?c=su"); print start_html( -title => "IMAP.cc E-Mail Hosting", -head => Link( { -rel => "stylesheet", -type => "text/css", -href => "style.css" } ), ), body( -bgcolor => "\#FFFFFF" ), table({ -width => "95\%", -cellspacing => "0", -cellpadding => "0", -border => "1", -bordercolor => "\#000000"}, tbody( Tr( td( {-width => "100\%"}, table({ -width => "100\%", -cellspacing => "0", -cellpadding => "1", -border => "1", -bordercolor => "\#000000" -align => "center"}, tbody( Tr( td( {-width => "100\%", -bgcolor => "\#000000", -align => "center"}, font({ -face => "Verdana, Arial, Times New Roman", -size => "4", -color => "\#FFFFFF"}, "IMAP.cc" ) ),),),),),),),), end_html; -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]