I usually use random numbers, and keys for things like this, for

I have a users table in a database set up like this:

id              integer auto increment primary key
username        varchar(32)
password        varchar(32)
rand_key        float

this way I can set the users cookie with their id, and the random salt,
witch you update and change in the database (and in the the cookie)
every time a new page is output.

The reason for this:  I do not have to compromise the users information
in a cookie, like the username and password, and if anyone sees the id
and the random key, they will have been changed the next time the user
hits the script again.

Jordan Mclain

On Mon, 2002-06-24 at 08:20, Niko Gunadi wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using a session for my login system. So the session will keep the
> user's username and password. My question is if we able to retrieve the
> session back (for another page), is it necessary to check the username and password 
> the database ?
> I do not want to have unnecessary functions to slow down but i also
> don't want to compromise the security.
> Thanx in advance
> niko
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