Okay, I gotcha. The same script generates the form
everytime. If it has some parameters, it processes
them first, then regardless, it draws the form for the
next time.

I think the browser is "working as intended". No
matter what the current URL is, the "Refresh" button
simply re-requests it, including any parameters that
were included in the last request. That's just how it
works. I've seen this lots of times with my own stuff.

I think what you need to do is separate your form and
your processing script. You should be able to still
have the form page be a script of some sort, in case
there is any data lookups and so forth to be done, but
if it can be plain HTML and maybe a little client-side
Javascript, all the better. Have the form call the
script, which now does only the processing but no
output, then have the script redirect back to the form
page at the end. Then the "Refresh" button will repeat
the request to show the form page only, and not the
entire processing script.

Hope this helps!

- John

--- spider man <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  The redirection to itself actually works. I wonder
> if there are any flaws in this process. It seems to
> be more of a work around instead of an actual
> correct way of doing things. What do you think?
>   spider man <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> My script has HTML code generated at the at the
> file. There is an "if" condition on the param()
> values at the beginning for processing. Regardless
> of the "if" condition, the code to generate HTML
> code is executed at the end. So the form is
> http://..../..../form.pl and when you submit the
> form it doesn't redirect and run the same script
> again for the HTML. So you will see
> http://.../.../form.pl again. Would redirect to
> another URL and then back to the script form do the
> trick?

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