> I have written a e-mail script but cannot get the From part of the
> sendmail protical to recognize e-mails with a period in the user name
> like [EMAIL PROTECTED]  It causes errors.  I know if I send
> brook/.hurd@gm/.com it will work.

/. or \.?

> I cannot locate the code required to
> parse incomming e-mail formatted data to add / before each period.  Any
> one have any suggestions or a better Idea on how to handle this?

[localhost:~] tor% perl -e '$string = "test.test\@something";
$string =~ s/(\.)/\\$1/g; print $array;'
[localhost:~] tor% 


[localhost:~] tor% perl -e '$array = "test.test\@something"; $array =~
s/(\.)/\/$1/g; print $array;'
[localhost:~] tor% 

=~ s/(\.)/\/$1/g; seems to be what you are looking for.


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