just define all vars in ur conf file with a scope reslution

eg $global::test = 'hello';

Octavian Rasnita wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is it possible to use "use strict;" if I get the variables from a
> configuration file?
> I've tried:
> use strict;
> require "f:/xxx/config.txt";
> #In the configuration file I have a line like my $test = "test test test";
> print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
> print $test;
> This gives me an error that I should define the variable $test.
> I don't want to define it in the script but in the configuration file.
> However, if I define it in the script with my $test; the script prints an
> empty string and doesn't take the variable from the configuration file.
> Is it possible to use strict, or it is necessary to use "no strict;?
> Another problem, maybe bigger is that  even though the script is running
> fine,  it give me errors in the log file telling me that the variable $xxx
> and $yyy, ... is used only once.
> Is there a good method to define variables for more scripts in  a single
> configuration file?
> I don't want to store my email address and other settings in each script
> because I may change that address, and then I will need to modify a lot.
> Thank you.
> .... or I have another solution for defining all the variables in a
> configuration file?
> Teddy,

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