On Monday, June 10, 2002, at 03:40 , Ahmad wrote:

> Hi.....
> I would like to begin learning Perl, but I don't know where I begin 
> learning
> it???? does anybody has any sugest???
> Ahmad

never lead with a leading question....

OBLIGATORY first case
        learn to 'use strict' and '-w'

a) perldoc perl
        start at the top of the documentation internal to perl
        and move forward from there.

b) buy the learning perl 3rd edition and the programming perl 3rd
        edition. do all the exercises, do not peek at the solutions
        until you know where to go next.

c) check out

for some silly templates to start using as the basis for
doing a bit of scripting.

d) read your way through all of the references in:


in there you will find a reference to at least one of
the online tutorials for learning perl...

e) rummage around in
until you really know which code stinks.

f) consider joining the 'beginners' list to deal specifically
with just perl beginner questions ....



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