> sub settings_smi_edit {
> $storeline = $q->param('id');
> open(FILE, "info/smileset.txt");
> @file = <FILE>;
> close(FILE);
> foreach $i (@file) {
> ($number, $image, $name, $text, $used) = split(/\|/,
> $i);
> if ($number eq $storeline) {
> @numb = ($number, $image, $name, $text, $used);
> }
> }
> }
> Ok that I been trying this for a while, can't seem to
> get it. Ok after I get all taht in a while loop, say I
> edit @numb and I want to put it back into @file by the
> $storeline.
> Get what Im saying
> -Find it in @file

Foreach my $value(@file) {
regex? if $value eq "something";
> -Take that line
> -Edit it
> -Put it back in @file (updated)
> -by i.d number

What i.d number?

> Also how would i *delete that certain array also

@array = "";



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