Not to be pedantic, but isn't PHP a *language*, not a
database? So you could use almost any particular
database with either PHP or Perl. Or does PHP have
it's own built-in database and that's what you meant?

(I looked at PHP a little once, and I have to admit a
knee-jerk negative reaction to a language that relies
on indentation for intuiting program flow. [Please
avoid copying this list on any religious responses to
that last sentence; take it up with me personally if
you must.])

Of course, if we're being pedantic, I would point out
that this whole thread has been off-topic from the
start, but just I'll content myself with prefixing the
subject with "[OT]".

- John

--- Fred Sahakian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> depends what you need to do, PHP has become VERY
> popular

"Now it's over, I'm dead, and I haven't done anything that I want; or, I'm still 
alive, and there's nothing I want to do." - They Might Be Giants,

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