Hi all,

I have made a script for uploading files and I don't know how to limit the
size of the uploaded file.

I've read that using  a line like:

$CGI::POST_MAX = 1024 * 1024 ;

.... is more secure because the script will automaticly break when the file
is bigger than this limit.
And I have also read that the temporary file created can't be bigger than
this size.

I've tried it but it is not true.

I use Win 2k and Apache 2.0.36 and I have tried the following:

$CGI::POST_MAX = 1024 * 1024 ;

I've tried uploading  a file that has 9 MB.
I've took a look in the cgi-bin directory (where the temporary files are
stored, and I've seen a temporary file that increased up to 9 MB.
After the "upload" finished, my script printed me the error that the file is
too big and it deleted the temporary file, but ...

I am wondering if someone wants to upload a file that has a few GB ... will
it fill out my whole hard drive with a temporary file?

In the manual for CGI module they say that it doesn't create a temporary
file bigger than the specified limit, but it is not true.
Am I missing something?

Thank you very much. I hope it is not a bug in the CGI module.


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