I usually do a combination of things. 

        * You can check domains, but they can be spoofed, 
          so that in itself is not a cure. It's a start.

        * Does the site have a static IP? You can set
          the script only to run if called from that IP.
          Once again 'spoofable' but less than a domain
          on its own.

        * Use the CGI.pm module's built-in data limit
          function. You can set POST_MAX to a reasonable
          level to avoid buffer overflow issues, or just
          set DISABLE_UPLOADS = 1 if no files are going
          to be uploaded.

        * Are you on UNIX? Most of my sites are on some
          flavor of *NIX and I run my scripts suid. You
          can explicitly tell the script that it can
          run -only- as the user, not even as the httpd
          daemon. (#!/usr/bin/perl -U with the script
          directory chmod'd 4711)

Scot Robnett
inSite Internet Solutions

-----Original Message-----
From: Sebastian Nerz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2002 10:22 AM
Subject: Checking who called a cgi-script


I need to check which server (or better: which formular) gave data to a
cgi-script (executed this script)
(I am writing on a contact-script but I dont want every server to be
able to execute this script!)

How could I do this?
(A link or source for informations would be enough)

Many thanks!


Sebastian Nerz

PS I am sorry for my english - it's quite terrible!

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