Hi everyone! I'm getting desperate. Can't find the error in the snibblet of code below...to me everything seems to be ok (except bad style etc), but the update of the mysql database does not work altought the sql statement is should be definitely ok:
sub do_data { my $dbc = DBI->connect( $dsn, $db_user, $db_pass ) or die "can not connect $DBI::errstr\n"; my $rank = param('rank'); my $cname = param('organisation'); my $caddress = param('caddress'); my $ctel = param('ctel'); my $cfax = param('cfax'); my $cmobile = param('cmobile'); my $cemail = param('cemail'); my $curl = param('curl'); my $btype = param('btype'); my $hq = param('hq'); my $quali = param('quali'); my $experi = param('experi'); my $inhouse = param('inhouse'); my $resid = param('resid'); my $ptel = param('ptel'); my $pfax = param('pfax'); my $pmobile = param('pmobile'); my $pemail = param('pemail'); my $marital = param('marital'); my $spouse = param('spouse'); my $children_number = param('children'); my $children_names = param('childrennames'); my $hobbies = param('hobbies'); my $membership = param('membership'); my $pcont = param('pcont'); my $update = $dbc->do ( "update memberscopy set rank='$rank', cname='$cname', caddress='$caddress', ctel='$ctel', cfax='$cfax', cmobile='$cmobile', cemail='$cemail', curl='$curl', btype='$btype', hq='$hq', quali='$quali', experi='$experi', inhouse='$inhouse', resid='$resid', ptel='$ptel', pfax='$pfax', pmobile='$pmobile', pemail='$pemail', marital='$marital', spouse='$spouse', children_number='$children_number', children_names='$children_names', hobbies='$hobbies', membership='$membership', pcont='$pcont', lastup=now() where name = '$name' and surname = '$surname' " ) or die "can not update data $DBI::errstr\n"; &thx; exit; } -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]