
Someone has to have some inkling how to open filehandles for writing whilst
running in taint mode (-T). C'mon there are some of the best Perl minds in
the world here. Is it impossible?

I've tried untainting the data I'm using to write with this snippet:

   #untaint $count     
   if ($count =~ /^([-\@\w.]+)$/){
        $count = $1;

but kept getting this error, "Insecure dependency in open while running with
-T switch at /u/web/lega63/cgi-local/SecureMail.pl line 455". HELP! I don't
want to run this program without taint checks.

The full filehandle portion is:

         if ($mailPrefix[0]) {
        open (COUNTER,"$mailPrefix[0]Counter.txt") or die "Couldn't read
counter, $! \n";
        close (COUNTER);
   #untaint $count     
   if ($count =~ /^([-\@\w.]+)$/){
        $count = $1;
   else {
       die "Bad data in $count";
        #The next line is line 455
        open (COUNTER,">$mailPrefix[0]Counter.txt") or die "Couldn't write
counter, $! \n";
        print COUNTER "$count";
        close (COUNTER);

unless ($skip eq "yes"){        
        open (COUNTER,">>$mailPrefix[0]Report.txt") or die "Couldn't write
Report, $! \n";
        print (COUNTER "${count}. $Config{'email'} on $date\n");
        close (COUNTER);

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